Saïd Business School
Saïd Business School


Saïd Business School Location

South England

Saïd Business School



South England


Rewley Scholarships (MBA)
Scholarship Name Rewley Scholarships (MBA)
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship amount £20,000


Without alumni contributions to the Rewley Fund, these scholarships would not be possible.

Our alumni support future generations of Saïd Business School students, giving them access to the experience, world-class education and networks that the School offer. By supporting scholars, alumni have a tangible impact on the lives and futures of others.

Named after the 13th-Century Rewley Abbey, a place of learning for Cistercian monks, which stood on the grounds of Saïd Business School, the Rewley Scholarships continue the scholarly tradition of the site and brings the best and brightest to Oxford Saïd. 

Formerly known as the Alumni Annual Fund Scholarships, the fund has been rebranded to reflect the School’s history and the values it is taking into the future. The scholarships enable us to promote gender parity and increase diversity on our programmes, and crucially reduce the financial barrier to further study.

The Rewley Fund powers several scholarship schemes in partnership with renowned organisations, such as the Laidlaw Scholarships, Forté Fellowships for Women, Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA) LGBTQ+ Fellowships, and several alumni funded scholarships including the Oxford-Grace Lake Scholarship.

We are delighted that from 2024, Rewley scholarships will be available to students across our MBA, Executive MBA, MSc in Financial Economics, MSc in Major Programme Management and Diploma programmes.



A range of partial awards, typically up to £20,000, contributing towards course fees.

Number available

Varies each year, but typically three scholars in our MBA class. 

Eligibility criteria

All MBA applicants are eligible. 

Selection criteria

Awarded on the basis of academic excellence demonstrated through degree results, GMAT or GRE score, previous university prizes and awards, and other academic achievements.


There is no fixed application deadline.

All eligible offer-holders will be considered at each MBA admissions stage, with funding available at all three stages. 

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