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GREAT Scholarships
Scholarship Name GREAT Scholarships
Academic Year 2025
Scholarship amount £10,000
Nationality Any
Scholarship Deadline 31 May 2025

GREAT Scholarships are jointly funded by Cardiff University with the UK government’s GREAT Britain campaign and the British Council.

In order to apply, you must be holding an offer to study at Cardiff University.

Students from China, Indonesia, and Pakistan who will enrol onto a one-year postgraduate programme in the 2025/26 academic year are invited to apply for a GREAT scholarship, offering £10,000 towards tuition fees.

Three scholarships are available, with one scholarship allocated to each of the three eligible countries.


As part of your application, you will be required to answer the questions below with a maximum of 200 words each per topic:

  • What are your reasons for wanting to study at Cardiff University, on your chosen programme of study?

  • Describe a significant achievement in your student life or in your working career to date, and explain the impact it had on other people or the organisation.

  • How would you help spread the word about Cardiff University as a study destination?

  • Describe your career objectives beyond the course you have applied to, indicating the type of role you would like to occupy in five years' time and how the course you are interested in studying can help you in achieving these objectives.

Applications for GREAT scholarships must be submitted by 23:59 (UK time) on 31 May 2025.

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